Please join us for an outing to this iconic example of Googie architecture lovingly preserved in the Westchester area of Los Angeles. 6710 La Tijera Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045

Members $35. Guests: $35. Includes lunch. Beer, wine, and mixed drinks are no host.

Pann’s is a coffee shop and restaurant known for its history, role in movies, and distinctive architecture. The restaurant was opened by husband and wife George and Rena Poulos in 1958.[1][2] It is also known for its neon sign,[3]Googie architecture, and 1950s decor.[4] The building and its iconic neon sign were designed by architects Eldon Davis and Helen Liu Fong of the Armet & Davis architectural firm.[1] Pann’s remains one of the best preserved examples of Davis’ Googie designs, according to the Los Angeles Times

For more on Pann’s go here. ttps://