Each year the Windsor Square Hancock park historical Society is proud to present our Annual Homes Tour of some of our most treasured homes,  both historically and architecturally. Below you will find the most recent or upcoming tour and we welcome you to join us this year.

Save The Date

The Windsor Square Hancock Park Historical Society


The Rossmore Home Tour to benefit
The Ebell of Los Angeles

Sunday, October 6th, 2019
Open from 1 PM - 5 PM
Purchased tickets can be picked up at Fourth and Rossmore.

Five rarely seen stately homes.
Food, Drink, Silent Auction, Antique Cars

Tickets $50 for members $60 for non-members.
Tickets may be purchased online below or with a check by printing and filling out this invite (click here for pdf) or printing out this page and sending with a check (must arrive before October 1st.)
Registration will be at 4th and Rossmore.
To place an ad in our program click here.
Donate to our silent auction click here.

Become a Member

Rossmore Homes Tour

**If you would like to donate in addition to purchasing tickets, please see the donate button below.**

Donate to benefit the Ebell

Donation to Ebell

I/we will attend. Enclosed is my/our check(s) for $_______for #____members #____non-members Name(s)_______________________________________________________________
Please make checks payable to WSHP-HS.
Mail to 137 N. Larchmont Blvd. #135, Los Angeles, CA 90004