Annual Meeting and Barbeque

CA 90020

Windsor Square Hancock Historical Society
2023 Annual Meeting and Barbeque
Members $65
Non-Members $80
On the grounds of one of the best houses in Windsor Square
501 S. Plymouth Blvd, SW corner of 5th and Plymouth.
Not only is the O’Melveny House a beautiful historic Craftsman-style home it is also the cover photo of our website and was moved in pieces from its original location at Wilshire Boulevard and New Hampshire Avenue. It is now the home of our hosts, Executive Committee member, Brian Curran and his husband, Kevin MacLellan.
If you would like more information on the history of the house, you can go here.
Guest speaker author Rosemary Lord
Rosemary is an actress and the author of the popular books Hollywood: Then And Now, Los Angeles: Then And Now, and Los Angeles. Rosemary will be speaking to us on the history of the Women’s Club Of Hollywood of which she is the newly elected President.
For new members, the Historical Society holds its Annual Meeting every year to give out our Landmark Awards and install our new Executive Committee for the next year. We also install our new class of Trustees and Advisors.