All Good Gardens, Great and Small
The Windsor Square Hancock Park Historical Society
Good Gardens,
Great and Small
Saturday, May 4th, 2024
12:00 to 4:00 PM
Enjoy Refreshments and Silent Auction.
355 S. Windsor Boulevard is ground zero once again for All Good Gardens, Great and Small, a tour of five private gardens. This year’s garden tour features five delicious gardens of varying sizes, three in Windsor Square, one in Fremont Place and one just outside Hancock Park on Fuller Avenue. The one on Fuller Ave. is a charming garden attached to a lovely home designed by the one and only Paul Williams.
At 355 S.Windsor Boulevard there is also a lovely garden and at this location our reception committee will greet you. This is where guests and docents will receive their wristbands and programs with the addresses on the tour. Walk-ins can pay by credit card, cash, or check for admittance to the tour as well as membership to the Historical Society. This location also has refreshments, a Prosecco happy hour and a silent auction.
Members $55.
Non-Members $75.