A Secret Garden Tour

Saturday June 3rd. Five Gardens withinWindsor Square and Fremont PlaceStarting at 355 S. Windsor Boulevard Enjoy Six Gardens, Plant Sales & Silent AuctionRefreshments will be served Members: $45Non-Members: $55 The Windsor Square Hancock Park Historical SocietyPresents A Secret Garden Tour Saturday, June 3rd 20231:00 to 5:00 PM 355 S. Windsor Boulevard is ground zero for…

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667 So. June Street, Hancock Park

The property on which this magnificent home sits was originally owned by Mr. G. Allan Hancock.  The parcel was sold by Hancock in 1924 to Mr. Thomas H Birchall. Birchall applied for building permits in 1927.  His address on the permits was 4429 Victoria Park Drive, Los Angeles. Upon completion in 1929, he sold it…

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Holiday Party Poster For Merry Christmas

Please mark your calendars to join your fellow members of the Historical Society for our annual holiday party on Sunday, December 11th at 1:00. This year we will be enjoying the festivities at the much-loved 100-year-old Tam O’Shanter in Atwater Village. This was Walt Disney’s favorite place for lunch and the plaque on table 31 is a testament…

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Rimpau Boulevard Home Tour

Hancock Park Historical Society home Tour Poster

Saturday, November 5th, 2022 from 11:00 to 3:00, Please join us for the continuation of the Windsor Square~Hancock Park Historical Society home tour. This annual event was put on a two-year hiatus because of the pandemic and is now back. This year’s home tour features a selection of century-old houses on one of Hancock Park’s…

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215 No. Norton Avenue, Windsor Square

Look At the Norton Avenue Windsor Square

From “The Historical Observer” Fall 2004 Although the original permit for this lovely home is not on file, we do know quite a bit about the renovations that have made it the showplace it is. The house was built in 1924 and was purchased two years later by William O. Sampson.  Sampson started his career…

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144 No. Norton Avenue, Windsor Square

Take A Look At Dutch Colonial Revival House

From “The Historical Observer” Fall 2004 This property was originally part of the tract owned by Gilbert S. Wright, who is the owner of record from 1912 to 1923.  The Dutch Colonial Revival house was built in 1921, most likely on spec.  Permit number 2017 describes an eight-room house, two stories in height, to be built…

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120 No. Norton Avenue, Windsor Square

Making Maximum Use of Functional Space

The John G. Mathieson residence is by architect Paul Williams completed in the early 1920s.  The two-story, three bedroom, brick English miniature exemplifies one of Williams’ design philosophies:  making maximum use of functional space. The floor plan remains functional to this day allowing the smooth flow of guests and residents alike. When Mr. Mathieson purchased…

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605 So. Plymouth Boulevard, Windsor Square

Awesome Plymouth Boulevard Windsor Square

Built in 1906 by architect Arthur Heineman, the three-story home at 605 So. Plymouth Boulevard is an excellent example of the California Craftsman style. The home, originally in downtown Los Angeles, was moved in the 1920s by John Bullock to property he owned between Sixth Street and Wilshire Boulevard on Plymouth.  Bullock, founder of the department…

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2022 WSHPHS Annual Meeting & Barbecue


Please join us at the historical Gilmore Adobe on Sunday, July 31st, from 1:00 to 5:00 for our Annual Meeting and barbecue. The Gilmore Adobe was built in 1852 and is located in that mysterious space at The Grove hidden behind tall walls, beautiful gardens, and colorful peacocks. Wedged between Maggiano’s, the former home of…

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605 So. Plymouth Boulevard, Windsor Square

Awesome Plymouth Boulevard Windsor Square

From “The Historical Observer” Fall 1988 Built in 1906 by architect Arthur Heineman, the three-story home at 605 So. Plymouth Boulevard is an excellent example of the California Craftsman style. The home, originally in downtown Los Angeles, was moved in the 1920s by John Bullock to property he owned between Sixth Street and Wilshire Boulevard on…

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